Human Resources
Current Southern Oregon University students must apply through the Internal Careers section of Workday.
1. Login to OKTA.

2b. If you did have an active student job at the time of the Workday implementation on January 1, 2024, please navigate to the OKTA Dashboard and access the Workday Production application.

3. In Workday, navigate to the upper left to click on Menu (Global Navigation) and select the Jobs Hub application.
If this application is not available, click the + All Apps icon, and in the search box, type Jobs Hub to add this as a Menu option.
4. Under Suggested Links, click Student Jobs.
5. All job postings are shown by default, and results may be narrowed by selecting the filter options available on the left. The search bar can also be utilized to search by keywords.
6. Click on a posting to view it. A posting will include the job description, qualifications, and more.
6. Click the Apply button to complete the application, attach a resume/cover letter, answer respective questionnaires, and Submit when done.
7. Frequently returning to the Job Hubs application allows students to view My Applications, as well as personally set My Job Alerts.
8. When called for an interview, take a moment to reflect on how your education, skills, interests, and experience fit with what the position advertised. Dress professionally, silence your phone, be prompt, and tailor your answers to the specific job.
9. When offered the position, you will receive a Workday notification/task and email prompting you to go into Workday Production (not Workday Production – Student Jobs) to view relevant communications and complete critical next steps. Note, that your university-provided email account is the primary means of communication (SOU Electronic Mail (Email) Communication Policy (FAD.074)).
10. Access the Workday notifications/tasks by logging back to OKTA, select the Workday app, and follow the instructions located in the upper right corner for each respective notification/task:

Details for the I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification: You will be prompted to complete the first portion of the I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form as part of your onboarding tasks in Workday. The second portion of the form is completed when you present your original forms of identification in person at the Office of Human Resources (Churchill Hall, Room 159). A list of acceptable forms of identification can be found on page three of the I-9 form. Please note that if you do not choose to use documentation under List A you will need to provide a form of documentation from BOTH List B AND List C. Use this form to Schedule an Appointment with Human Resources. No work can be performed until this I-9 form and the rest of the onboarding tasks are completed in their entirety.
11. Meet with the supervisor to get orientated with the department and understand position requirements. Submit hours worked for approval through Workday time-tacking via and OKTA.
12. Note: If 2a above applied to you (e.g. If you did not have an active student job at the time of the Workday implementation on January 1, 2024 and applied via the Workday Production – Student Jobs application), return to the OKTA Dashboard and remove the Workday Production – Student Jobs application from your selection. If not already present, add the Workday Production application. Now that you are a student employee, all future applications to student job postings will be done via the Workday Production application.
Contact HR
Churchill Hall 159
1250 Siskiyou Boulevard
Ashland, OR 97520
Phone: (541) 552-8553
Fax: (541) 552-8508
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. [excluding university holidays]
Request an Appointment