Human Resources
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How do students apply for jobs on Campus?
Students can view job openings and apply through SOU’s Student Employment Opportunities.
Are International Students able to work on campus?
International students may work on campus, however, they must follow rules set in place by the Federal Government when working on campus and must meet certain eligibility requirements. International students must have a social security card to be employed on campus. If an international student does not have a Social Security Card they will need to obtain an employment offer letter from the office of International Programs to provide to the Social Security Administration office. International students must be enrolled for at least 12 credit hours during Fall, Winter, and Spring terms. They may work as a student employee during Summer term if they are registered for at least 6 credit hours during the Summer or were registered for at least 12 credit hours the previous Spring term or registered for at least 12 credit hours for the upcoming Fall term.
Are there eligibility requirements for a student to get a job on campus?
Students must be enrolled for at least 6 credit hours (for Graduate Students 5 credit hours) during Fall, Winter, and Spring terms. Students may work as student employees during the Summer term if they are registered for at least 6 credit hours during Summer or were registered for at least 6 credit hours the previous Spring term or registered for at least 6 credit hours for the upcoming Fall term.
How many hours can a student work?
Students may work a maximum of 20 hours per week when classes are in session and up to a maximum of 40 hours during breaks. A student employed with more than one department needs to coordinate their schedule with both areas as to not exceed the work hour maximums.
What is Federal Work-Study?
Visit our Financial Aid website to learn more about the Federal Work-Study Program.
Are all students eligible for Federal Work-Study Funds?
No. SOU is given a limited amount of funding each year for FWS awards. When the University runs out of funding, no further offers can be made. Students may request to be put on the FWS waitlist, but this is not a guarantee that FWS will be awarded.
Are there additional requirements to be eligible for FWS?
Yes. The student must be a U.S. Citizen or an eligible non-citizen. The student must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment at least half time at SOU and must be in regular attendance in a degree-seeking program. The student must maintain satisfactory progress in course work, must not owe a refund on a Federal or State Educational Grant, must not be in default of a State or Federal Education Loan, and must comply with selective service registration requirements.
What is Non Work-Study?
These jobs are funded 100% by colleges and departments. They have flexible work hours designed to accommodate the class schedule. The duties, responsibilities, and wages are determined by the employer.
What is the PEAK Jobs Program?
The PEAK Program – Professional Experience, Achievement, and Knowledge – provides opportunities for student engagement and growth through campus jobs that: 1) Encourage rich relationships with faculty and staff, 2) Foster Professional and academic curiosity and competency and, 3) Engender a sense of substantive contribution to the SOU community. While achieving these goals, PEAK employees will be more likely to succeed academically, complete their degrees at SOU, and achieve professional success. The PEAK Program differs from Non-Work Study and Work-Study positions as PEAK funds provide for 75% of the payroll and the department is responsible for 25%. Departments must apply to receive PEAK funding for positions through the Office of Career Connections, usually up to six months in advance.
How are student hours recorded for payroll?
Hours worked are entered into Web Time Entry (WTE) by the student. Student employees are required to submit for approval all hours worked by 11:59 pm one business day after the completion of the pay period. Supervisors will then review the hours worked and approve the time in WTE. Student employees are paid on the last business day of the month.
What are my pay periods and when do I get paid?
The student employee pay period is from the 13th of one month to the 12th of the following month. Pay for that pay period is on the last business day of the second month.
How do I get paid?
Direct Deposit is highly recommended. You can even have your paycheck deposited to your Higher One Account. Funds are deposited into your bank/Higher One account on the last business day of the month. If you do not elect Direct Deposit, you can physically pick up your check at the Payroll office. You must bring a photo I.D.
Are students eligible for benefits?
Student employees are covered by workers’ compensation insurance for on-the-job illnesses or injuries and Non-Work Study students are eligible for sick leave per the Oregon Sick Leave law. Students accrue 1 hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked.
Do students get meal and rest breaks?
Student employees receive a 15 minute paid break for every 4 hours worked. Student employees cannot work for more than 6 consecutive hours without an unpaid meal break of a minimum of 30 minutes. Student employees taking a meal break during the work shift must enter the break time in Web Time Entry.
What if a student needs a workplace accommodation due to a disability?
Student employees are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Oregon’s disability law, ORS 659.400. If a student employee needs workplace accommodations they must contact Human Resources to begin the interactive process to determine any reasonable accommodations that can be provided. This is a separate and distinct process from any educational accommodations in place through Disability Resources.
Contact HR
Churchill Hall 159
1250 Siskiyou Boulevard
Ashland, OR 97520
Phone: (541) 552-8553
Fax: (541) 552-8508
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. [excluding university holidays]
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