Raider Student Employee Handbook
Each accordion corresponds to a chapter in the student employee handbook.
Definition of a Student Employee
A student employee is a part-time employee who is enrolled at Southern Oregon University for
the primary purpose of achieving a degree. As such, the employment is temporary and
incidental to the pursuit of an academic program. A student is eligible for student employment if
they have regular student status or are enrolled at SOU for a minimum of 6 credit hours for
undergraduate and 5 credit hours for graduate students. To be eligible for student employment
during summer break or a quarter established as an educational leave, the student must be in
regular student status the preceding or following term.
Maximum Hours of Employment
Student Employees are students first and foremost and, in recognition of this, are limited to
working a maximum of 20 hours per week (total for all departments) during any week in which
regular classes are scheduled. A student employed with more than one department needs to
coordinate their schedule with both areas so as not to exceed the 20 hour per week maximums.
In emergency situations that require the specialized skills of a Student Employee, it is
permissible for a Student Employee to work up to 30 hours per week for a limited duration. The
supervisor must provide written rationale for this exception and obtain approval from the Human
Resource Services before the Student Employee works the additional hours. Due to federal
work study and visa requirements for international students, these positions may not
work more than 20 hours per week, no exceptions.
During term breaks in which no classes or examinations are scheduled, a Student Employee
may work a maximum of 40 hours in a week. Student Employees shall not be authorized to
work overtime, no exceptions
Employment for Minors (ages 14-17)
The employment of Student Employees between the ages of 14-17 requires compliance with
child labor laws.. Proof of age must be verified (i.e. original passport, driver’s license or birth
certificate). For additional information, please visit the Bureau of Labor (BOLI) regulations or
contact Human Resource Services at 541-552-8553 or hrs@sou.edu.
Types of Student Employment
Federal Work Study
Federal Work Study is a financial aid program designed to assist students in earning money to
meet their college expenses. To be eligible, a student must have filed a Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and have a work study allocation of funds. Students are strongly
encouraged to file early. The application opens October 1st of every year. Be sure to select yes
for work-study on the FAFSA application. Each eligible student is awarded an amount of funds
per term that determines the maximum number of hours per week that may be worked. For oncampus positions, the federal funds pay 90% of the student’s wage and the employer matches
the other 10% of the wage and worker’s compensation, which is 1.5%. Students should contact
the Financial Aid office at 541-552-6600 or finaid@sou.edu to confirm their federal work study
Non-Federal Work Study
Non-Federal Work Study positions are funded 100% by the department.
The PEAK program is designed to provide students with on-campus employment opportunities
that encourage rich relationships with faculty and staff, foster professional curiosity and
competency, and engender a sense of substantive contribution to the SOU community.
Departments are responsible for only 25% of a PEAK student employee’s salary, with the PEAK
program covering the remaining 75%. For information about PEAK positions or eligibility,
please contact Career Connections at 541-552-6131.
International students should contact the Office of International Programs at 541-552-6336 to
confirm student employability and discuss the employment processes.
Toggle Steps To Become a Student Employee
There are some differences in the hiring process for each type of employment.
First Time Raider Student Employee
1. Apply to the position of interest online, via RaiderJOBS (Workday). If your application is
selected a supervisor will contact you for an interview. If offered the position, accept the
verbal job offer.
2. Access the unique link emailed by Human Resource Services and complete the required
employment paperwork through digital onboarding.
3. Immediately visit Human Resource Services (Churchill Hall, Room 159) to furnish the
original identification documents required for the I-9. Once complete, your supervisor
will be informed that you are authorized to work.
4. Meet with your supervisor to get oriented with the department and clarify position
requirements and submit hours worked for approval through Web Time Entry (Banner).
Returning Raider Student Employee (Student employee returning to school
but working a different position than held previously)
1. Apply to the position of interest, via RaiderJOBS (Workday) and accept the verbal job
2. Access the unique link emailed by Human Resource Services and verify your existing
employment information remains current. If not, complete the required employment
paperwork through digital onboarding. Once complete, your supervisor will be informed
that you are authorized to work.
3. Meet with your supervisor to get oriented with the department and clarify position
requirements and submit hours worked for approval through Web Time Entry (Banner).
Reappointed Raider Student Employees (Student employees returning for
the same position held previously)
1. If your department would like to reappoint you to the same position for the next fiscal
year, they will work directly with Human Resource Services.
2. Once complete, your time sheet will be available and you may continue to enter submit
hours worked for approval through Web Time Entry.
Driver Clearance
Student employees driving on university business, whether through a rental or personal vehicle,
must be cleared to drive prior to the trip. You should speak to your supervisor to determine if
your position will involve driving on university business. If driver clearance is needed, you can
find the necessary information at https://inside.sou.edu/sc/driver-clearance.html. For additional
information, please contact the Service Center at 541-552-6700 or servicecenter@sou.edu.
Criminal History Checks
Some student employees may be required to clear a criminal history screening or background
check prior to being hired for certain positions and in accordance with the SOU Criminal
Background Checks Policy (FAD.050). If it is required, you will be prompted to complete a
Consent to Criminal History Check form during your digital onboarding experience.
Work Schedules
Work Schedules
Your schedule is planned around your classes and activities and within the framework of
department operation. Some schedules may stay the same during the entire year, while others
may change on a regular basis. You may be scheduled to work on weekends, holidays, and
academic breaks. If you have a conflict for any reason, including classes or other campus
activities, please see your supervisor.
Attendance Policies
If you are scheduled to work and are unable to do so, it is your responsibility to notify your
supervisor in advance of your scheduled shift.
The supervisor should provide instructions for reporting absences according to procedures
established by the department. Unforeseen absences due to illness or other uncontrollable
circumstances should be reported immediately. Planned absences must be arranged in
advance and approved by the supervisor.
Campus Closures
Students will be notified of inclement weather or hazardous conditions closures through the
SOU Alerts (RAVE) System. You may manage your alerts via InsideSOU.edu.
Time Reporting and Pay Periods
Student pay periods begin on the 13th of the month and run through the 12th of the following
month. SOU has only one payday per month, and it is ALWAYS the last business day of the
month. If the last day of the month falls on a holiday or a weekend, payday will be the business
day prior to the last day of the month. Student Employees are strongly encouraged to enroll in
direct deposit via the digital onboarding experience. Paper checks may be picked up (with
photo ID) at the Payroll Services Department, Churchill Hall Room 143.
Student employees are expected to report to their work area punctually, appropriately dressed
and adhere to the following instructions:
1. Report all hours worked accurately and as a true representation of the work performed.
2. Before leaving work, let your supervisor know.
3. Work only the hours scheduled, unless your supervisor approves a change.
4. Timekeeping fraud may result in termination. Fraudulent activity includes, but is not
limited to:
a. Completing a timesheet for someone else.
b. Altering beginning or ending times of your scheduled work hours (unless
approved by your supervisor).
c. Reporting hours not actually worked.
Accessing Time Sheet
1. Log into inside.sou.edu.
2. Click on the Student Employment link in the Online Services menu. This will take you to
the Banner Self-Service Page.
3. Locate the “Employment Details” section and select “Time Sheet”.
4. Choose the appropriate job by selecting the radial button under “My Choice”.
5. Select the correct pay period using the drop down menu in the “Pay Period and Status”
6. Select “Time Sheet”.
7. Verify time sheet is for correct job and pay period.
Entering Hours
1. Select “Enter Hours” for pay row and date column.
2. In the first empty field, enter arrival time. Make sure to select AM or PM.
3. In the second empty field, enter departure time. Make sure to select AM or PM.
4. Save hours entered with save button.
5. Select next day to enter time for next day.
Submitting for Approval
Student employees have until 11:59 pm the next business day after the end of the pay period to
submit time sheets for approval to supervisor.
1. Verify hours entered are correct.
a. May use the “Preview” mode to see entire period or navigate through weeks in
the Time and Leave Reporting screen.
2. Select “Submit for Approval”.
Rights & Responsibilities
You should consider your part-time position as an important job that can impact your future work
experience. You are now part of the SOU work force and your department depends on you. The
following are your rights and responsibilities as a student employee:
Individuals working as student employees are covered by workers’ compensation insurance for
on-the-job illnesses or injuries and are eligible for Oregon Sick Time.
On-the-Job Illness/Injury Workers’ Compensation
A student employee must report any work-related injury or illness to the student employee’s
immediate supervisor, or in that person’s absence, any department supervisor or the
department director, immediately after it occurs. Workers’ Compensation and Incident Report
forms are available in the department office or from Human Resource Services, Churchill Hall
159. In an emergency, call Campus Public Safety (CPS) at 541-552-6911 from any campus
Sick Leave
Non-Federal Work Study positions are eligible for sick leave through Oregon Sick Time Law.
Student employees accrue 1 hour of sick time for every 30 hours worked. Any sick leave taken
counts as hours worked in the week. In some instances, the supervisor can reschedule work
during the week so that the student does not miss any working hours and sick leave will not be
taken. For additional information, please visit https://inside.sou.edu/hrs/oregon-sick-timelaw.html.
Meal and Work Breaks
Work breaks are computed on the following basis:
● Paid 15-minute breaks for every 4 hours straight time, to be taken in the middle of the
work period.
● Student employees working a shift of 6 or more consecutive hours consecutive hours
must take an unpaid meal break of a minimum of 30 minutes.
● Student Employees taking a meal break during the work shift must enter the break time
in Web Time Entry.
Conduct as a Student Employee
A student employee is expected to meet certain standards of conduct and policies
which would ordinarily be expected of an employee representing the University in any
position. Supervisors are responsible for communicating standards of conduct to
student employees upon their hire.
Dress Requirements and Grooming
The University expects that each student employee’s appearance, personal hygiene,
and dress will be neat, clean, and appropriate to the job. The department is responsible
for establishing and communicating dress guidelines for student employees, and any
requirements for wearing protective clothing and/or equipment due to the nature of the
job responsibilities.
When a student employee’s conduct violates an SOU or department policy or constitutes
misconduct, or when a student employee’s performance does not meet the expectations or
requirements of a position, the supervisor determines if corrective action is needed. If corrective
action is the appropriate response, the supervisor begins the process within a reasonable time
of the supervisor’s knowledge of the situation. Corrective action must be appropriate to the
issue and may be non-disciplinary such as training, coaching, a performance plan, or a letter of
instruction; or it may be disciplinary such as a written reprimand, suspension, demotion,
reassignment, or dismissal.
The following are examples of reasons for which a student employee may be disciplined:
1. Failure to complete assigned work
2. Excessive tardiness or unexcused absences
3. Falsifying payroll or time card information
4. Dishonesty
5. Breach of security or safety
6. Insubordination
7. Sleeping or other inattention to duty
8. Reporting to work impaired due to the use of alcohol or other substances
Grievance Procedure
Your supervisor can solve most employment concerns. Maintaining an open line of
communication with your supervisor is a good foundation for now and in the future.
● Don’t assume that your supervisor already knows about your concern.
● Clearly and concisely state it.
● Use objective language and describe observable behaviors.
● It’s a good idea to put it in writing.
● Being ready with possible solutions is a great demonstration of professionalism and can
go a long way toward solving the problem.
If you have not come to a satisfactory solution with your supervisor, or if you feel uncomfortable
approaching the supervisor because of the type of concern, you should take the complaint to
that person’s supervisor (or department head). Human Resource Services can assist you if you
are unable to come to a satisfactory solution. Please contact 541-552-8553 or hrs@sou.edu to
schedule an appointment.
Discrimination grievances must be filed within 180 days of the incident with the Office of Equity
Grievance at 541-552-7079. The Director of Equity Grievance will consult with the student to
determine possible avenues of resolution, including pursuing the formal grievance process.
Non-discrimination grievance complaints must be filed within thirty (30) days following the
incident unless an exception is granted, as defined in OAR 573-075- 0100.
Listed below are some policies related to employment at SOU. As an employee, you are
expected to read, understand, and comply with all applicable policies. For a complete listing of
policies, visit https://inside.sou.edu/policies/all-policies.html.
Sexual Harassment
All employees and students have the right to work and learn in an environment free from
harassment, which is unwelcome and unwanted sexual attention. Sexual harassment is illegal,
and Southern Oregon University prohibits harassment of its employees and students in any
form. Sexually harassing conduct includes repeated offensive sexual flirtation, advances,
proposition, continued or repeated abuse of a sexual nature, sexually orientated humor, graphic
verbal comments about an individual’s body or clothing, the display in the workplace or learning
environment of sexually degrading objects, sexually threatening behavior or any undesirable
physical conduct.
American Disability Act (ADA) Information
Students with disabilities have the right to a discrimination-free workplace. This means:
● Questions related to a disability cannot be asked during an interview, though the
employer can ask if you can do the essential functions of the job, with or without
● Disability cannot be considered as a basis for any punitive employment actions, such as
firing, lack of promotion or disciplinary procedures.
● Student employees have the right to ask for reasonable disability-related adjustments in
their workplace. Requests for adjustment, or accommodation, should be made to your
immediate supervisor. Decisions regarding accommodations will be made among the
supervisor, the employee, and Human Resource Services.
● If you are receiving accommodations in your classes, some of those accommodations
may be helpful to you in your work environment as well. Discuss these with your
● Student employees are covered by Title 1 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (1190,
as amended) and Oregon’s disability law, ORS 659.400.
● Southern Oregon University is committed to providing reasonable workplace
accommodations to qualified employees with disabilities. Pursuant to the ADA, SOU will
provide reasonable accommodation(s) to all qualified employees with known disabilities,
where their disability affects the performance of their essential job functions, except
where doing so would be unduly disruptive or would result in undue hardship.
Workplace accommodations are intended to assist individuals with disabilities overcome
limitations that interfere with their ability to perform the functions of their job, to engage in the
application process and to enjoy the benefits and privileges of employment. Examples of
disability-related accommodations include ergonomic furniture, modifications to university
policies, assistive technology, reassignment of marginal job functions, or extended leave.
Human Resource Services administers the university’s disability accommodation process for
student employees and applicants. This includes determining whether an employee’s medical
condition constitutes a disability as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as
amended, and working to ensure that employees with disabilities have an opportunity to engage
in an interactive process with the objective of providing reasonable accommodations that will
enable them to perform the essential functions of their job. Each request for accommodation is
assessed on an individual basis.
As an initial step in the accommodation process, please contact the Leaves and Accessibility
Coordinator in Human Resource Services. Please see the Human Resource Services webpage
for accommodations at https://inside.sou.edu/hrs/fmla-ofla.html#accommodations for additional
Drug-Free Workplace
Consistent with state and federal law, Southern Oregon University will maintain a workplace free
from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of controlled
substances. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of
controlled substances, illicit drugs, and alcohol are prohibited at any site where work is
performed on behalf of SOU. This includes marijuana.
Members of the university workforce are prohibited at any time while on any property owned,
leased, or otherwise controlled by the University, or elsewhere in the course of their
employment with the University, from possessing or using any firearm. This applies regardless
of whether the member of the workforce has a concealed weapon permit or is otherwise
authorized by law to possess, discharge, or use a firearm.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the
privacy of student records, including financial, academic, and employment. The University, and
its employees, maintain student records with extreme confidentiality and only provide release in
accordance with FERPA guidelines.
Title IX
Southern Oregon University recognizes that the provisions of Title IX through the Campus
Sexual Violence Elimination (SAVE) Act extend to sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating
and domestic violence, and stalking behavior. As an institution, we have a duty to stop, prevent,
and remedy any reports of sexual misconduct that affect the members of our campus
community. The Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators will be responsible for ensuring
that the survivor has been made aware of all options for resources, as well as conduct an
administrative investigation of the incident. The Title IX investigation is not a criminal
SOU Statement on Diversity
The strength of curricular and co-curricular experiences depends upon a campus community
rich in diversity of ethnicity, race, gender and gender identity, nationality, age, language,
religious affiliation, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, disability, and political
affiliation. Without this diversity, the educational process is diminished.
The appreciation of differences requires all members of this academic community to seek
knowledge and understanding through their own unique lenses as well as to recognize the
perspectives and needs of others.
Southern Oregon University embraces the following commitments:
● We are a welcoming community committed to inclusive excellence and celebration of
● We pay close attention to the cultural differences learners bring to the educational
● We focus on intellectual and social development through the learning outcomes of
knowledge, skills, responsibilities, and integrative abilities that a twenty-first century
university graduate must achieve.
● We challenge each student to achieve academically and contribute to learning in
partnership with members of the campus and the larger community.
University Reporting Responsibilities
The University strives to offer a safe and supportive learning and working environment for all individuals. In support of that goal, the University has reporting protocols for its employees with respect to certain conduct involving suspected child and elder abuse, child pornography, and allegations of sexual assault.
- Mandatory Reporting: Positions having significant responsibility for student and campus activities, and those who manage or otherwise oversee student and campus activities are designated as a Campus Security Authority (CSA) under the Clery Act. Duties may include but are not limited to: student and family housing; a student center; student extra-curricular activities; athletic coaches and trainers; faculty advisors to student groups; staff responsible for student discipline; and campus judicial staff. The CSA is a federally mandated crime reporter who must report all Clery Act crimes to Campus Public Safety. If a CSA observes or becomes aware of a crime, or a person reveals that s/he learned of, was the victim of, perpetrator of, or witness to a crime, CSAs are required to report the information to Campus Public Safety. For questions regarding reporting obligations contact Campus Public Safety at 541 552-6258 or contact the Clery Coordinator at clerycoordinator@sou.edu for additional information.
- Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting: If, in your position at SOU, you suspect child abuse or neglect, you must follow the outlined steps on the Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting webpage.
- Title IX (Sexual Violence/Harassment, Stalking, Intimate Partner Violence): If you receive an allegation of these things related to a member of the University community (faculty, staff, or student), complete the Southern Oregon University’s Anonymous
Harassment, Violence, and Interpersonal Misconduct Reporting Form OR contact the confidential advisor 541-552-7079. - Child Pornography: If you become aware of suspected child pornography on SOU IT Resources, you must contact 911 or Campus Public Safety immediately.
- Clery Act: Section 485 of the Higher Education Act, and The Federal Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (now referred to as the “Clery Act”), require that current and prospective students and employees are notified of the availability of our Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. The report provides the annual statistics and campus policies for the reporting of and responding to campus crimes and fires; access to campus facilities; conduct code and campus policies on use, possession, and sale of drugs/alcohol; and educational/information programs to inform the campus community about campus security procedures and crime prevention. Annual Security Report. A physical copy of the ASR is available at no charge upon request. To request a copy please visit the Campus Public Safety Office at 382 Wightman Street, Ashland, OR 97520. For more information call 541-552-6258, or email clerycoordinator@sou.edu.
Employees who have questions about the reporting protocols may contact the Office of Equity Grievance, Human Resource Services, or the Dean of Students.
Bias Reporting
What is Bias?
A bias incident is an action in which an individual is made aware that their status is offensive to another, but does not rise to the level of a crime. Bias incidents involve actions committed against a person or property that are consciously or unconsciously motivated by a bias against race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender identity or expression, age, or disability.
How do you report bias?
Clicking on the Report Bias Here link will take you to the SOU Cares Report, where you have the ability to select the Hate/Bias Report type. This report will be submitted to the chair of the Bias Response Team, who will then assemble the rest of the group to discuss the nature of the incident and reach out to the parties who are impacted. You can also meet with a member of the Bias Response Team to process the incident. You may find a list of Bias Response Team members here.
Cares Reporting
SOU Cares reports help inform the Dean of Students and the Student Support Network (SSN) by identifying students who may benefit from extra resources, support, or intervention. You are encouraged to submit a Cares Report when intervention is required, or simply when you are concerned about another SOU student.
- Areas of concern for SOU Cares reports may include:
- Mental health or emotional issues
- Academic performance
- Family concern
- Relationship issues
- Personal illness or injury
- Alcohol or other drug use
- Academic integrity
- Distressing, disruptive, or threatening behavior
- Hate and/or bias-related incident
- Crime victimization
Emergency Procedures
Please visit the SOU Campus Public Safety webpage.
Contact HR
Churchill Hall 159
1250 Siskiyou Boulevard
Ashland, OR 97520
Email: hrs@sou.edu
Phone: (541) 552-8553
Fax: (541) 552-8508
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. [excluding university holidays]
Request an Appointment