Human Resources
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Hiring Students
Step 1. Build a job description using the Guide for Writing a Position Description template (approximately 30 minutes) and align the duties and responsibilities to a corresponding wage rate.
Step 2. Complete the 2024-2025 Student Employment Appointment Questionnaire and insert details from the position description (approximately 15 minutes). A new Student Employment Appointment Questionnaire is required for each job posting. A confirmation email with a copy of the submitted questionnaire will be auto-generated. Please save this email or download the document into Box for future reference.
Step 3. Within five (5) business days, Human Resources will post the job in Workday. The supervisor views the job and screens applicants accordingly. Workday will prompt the necessary next steps between the supervisor and Human Resources throughout the candidate assessment process.
Step 4. Human Resources/Workday sends the selected student a notification/task/email with instructions to complete critical next steps for the new employee onboarding process. Your assistance is needed to remind your prospective student employee of the need to complete their Workday tasks promptly. This includes a background check, the I-9 employment verification, and tax forms.
Here are the details involved with the I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification: The student will complete the first portion of the I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form as part of their onboarding tasks in Workday. The second portion of the form is completed when they present their original forms of identification in person at the Office of Human Resources (Churchill Hall, Room 159). A list of acceptable forms of identification can be found on page three of the I-9 form. No work can be performed until the I-9 and onboarding steps are completed in their entirety.
Step 5. Meet with your new student employee to orient them to the department and position expectations. If the duties assigned will require access to systems, complete the IT Account Request Form and an IT representative will be in direct contact with you shortly thereafter. Train your student employee on how to fill out a time sheet and as the supervisor, be mindful of payroll deadlines and approve time and absences in Workday accordingly.
Midyear Adjustment to Existing Student Employment Positions
It is recognized that some student positions may evolve or require an adjustment during the current fiscal year. Supervisors may request changes to the following by using the 2024-2025 Student Employment Midyear Change Form:
- Early Separation/Resignation
- Hourly Rate Increase
- Supervisor Change
Next Fiscal Year Existing Student Employee Reappointment
Supervisors seeking to continue employment for their existing student employee (effective on or after June 13, 2024) must take action by completing the 2024-2025 Student Employment Reappointment Form. No action will result in the job ending. Upon submission, an email confirmation will be sent and this is both the supervisor’s and student employee’s certified acknowledgment of the reappointment details.
Things to remember as we cross into a new fiscal year:
- Federal Work-Study funds are still available so fill your student vacancies as soon as possible! Federal Work-Study for 2023-2024 ends on June 12. If a student wants to utilize Work-Study from the next fiscal year (2024-2025) over the summer (July 1 – September 12), they must be enrolled in at least 6 credits in the summer term and verify the availability of funds through the Financial Aid Department at The first day a student can utilize Work-Study funds for the next school year (if they are enrolled in Fall but not in Summer) is September 13.
- Effective July 1, the minimum wage will increase from $14.20 to $14.70/hour, and the student hourly wage chart has been updated. Any student earning below $14.70/hour will have their rate automatically adjusted by Human Resources in Workday effective with the July pay period (June 13 – July 12). Supervisors do not need to take any action other than to inform their respective student workers. Departments that exceed their fiscal year 2025 student employment labor budget as a result of the minimum wage increase may inquire directly with the budget office for any offset.
Contact HR
Churchill Hall 159
1250 Siskiyou Boulevard
Ashland, OR 97520
Phone: (541) 552-8553
Fax: (541) 552-8508
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. [excluding university holidays]
Request an Appointment