Human Resources
The University has a number of policies designed to provide a fair, welcoming, and equitable environment for employees, students, and others. These policies include complaint and grievance procedures to ensure grievances and complaints are addressed in a fair, equitable, and timely manner. These are some of the key policies:
- Fraud/Waste: Students and employees are encouraged to report suspected fraud, waste, or abuse by calling 1-855-375-6776 or submitting an online report through Staff, faculty, and students may also call the Oregon Secretary of State’s fraud, waste, and abuse hotline. Employees who report concerns are protected by state whistle-blower laws. The university retains internal auditor services that report directly to the president and the Board of Trustees.
- Misconduct: The policies entitled Employee Conditions of Service, Code of Student Conduct and Student Grievance, Library Code of Conduct, Intercollegiate Athletics, Prohibited Conduct Relating to Students, Resident Halls Conduct, SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement Articles 18 and 64, APSOU Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 17, Faculty Grievances Procedures, Faculty Constitution/Bylaws, Ethical Standards in Research, and Administrative Grievances provide guidelines around service expectations and dispute resolution and can be found on the University Policies website.
- Title IX/Equity: The university maintains an Office of Equity Grievance and Title IX that provides a variety of ways to report concerns. The Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy details the University’s commitment to provide an environment free of harassment and discrimination. It details the procedures for filing complaints, supportive measures, reviewing and investigating complaints and hearings for matters involving discrimination, including sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence consistent with Title IX and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
- Protected Leaves, Accommodations, and Accessibility: Human Resources dedicates a website with critical information around protected leaves, reasonable accommodation, campus lactation rooms, gender neutral and single-occupancy restrooms, accessibility on campus, and service animal/emotional support animal frequently asked questions. Disability Resources provides several resources and consultative services to both students and faculty.
- Accessible Technology: The Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Policy demonstrates the University’s commitment to providing electronic technology in a manner that ensures accessibility for individuals with disabilities and provides a grievance and complaint procedure.
- Conflicts of Interest: SOU defines and prohibits conflicts of interest for its employees through the Oregon Code of Conduct (ORS 244), Conflict of Interest around Consensual Relationships, and Outside Activities and Related Compensation. Under the Board Statement on Ethics and Conflict of Interest, board members are required to declare any actual or potential conflicts of interest.
Contact HR
Churchill Hall 159
1250 Siskiyou Boulevard
Ashland, OR 97520
Phone: (541) 552-8553
Fax: (541) 552-8508
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. [excluding university holidays]
Request an Appointment